wierd scam mail

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wierd scam mail

Post by MegaGame » Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:01 pm

I just got a very wierd scam mail.
I cant help read some of them as the stories in them are sometimes funny and thinking that some ppl actual fall for them.

But this one was one of those that tries to make it self out as a mail that has been sent to you insted of other person.
A person telling his friends of thise great site that sells Ipad 64gbs

Here is the fun part, it starts with Merry Christmas, and ends with all the best for 2010.
So this mail has been underway in the E-mail system for 1year and almost 4 months?
That is just bad scamming, atlest put som effort in to it man.
Archage: Gabrialla(paladin, healer)
Rift: Galitaz(rouge), Gabrialla(cleric), Galitara(Mage), Kalitaz(Warrior)

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