Im Vincent , 27 years and from Switzerland , chef at a local restaurant .
Ive been extensively beta testing rift , and took my time to look at all the available guilds !
i like what i saw about Daedalus most as i am altho a passionate gamer , my worktimes make me more of a casual gamer . Dont get me wrong , i can still crank out 6 hours of gaming on workdays ! just not regularly and at the same time every day .
I can say that i have beta tested / tried / played almost every P2P mmo that came out in the last time starting with AC and DAoC to which i lost most of my youth and tennager years to

i have a soft spot for tanking but got bored of the Standard Warrior class with shield tanks , and RIFT with its awesome class systems allows me to try out a lot of diffrent ways to tank . My first and main character therefore will be Grollbringer the dwarven warrior ! i usualy roll healers as alt , i have a lot of fun healing for instances and groups as well occasionaly .
anyways gonna go kill some time till headstart hope to see and hear from you soon !
cheers ! -vincent