Hi All,
Hopefully I will have a Cleric named Breyha when servers open for headstart thursday.
my name is Arron, I am 40yrs old and live in Ipswich.
I have been playing MMO's since Tomsk intruduced me to UO, back in the bad ol' days of dial up!
Since then I have played (in no particular order):
DAoC (best PvP MMO ever!)
World of Warcraft (Burning Crusade marked the start of a rapid decline for this game.)
EQ I and II (prefer EQ I)
Asherons Call I and II (AC I by far the better game, easy to see why they closed AC II)
SWG (up until the CU).
I enjoy the social aspect of these games (groups and raids), as well as a bit of anti-social (PvP)
On the advice of some friends (Tydomas and Tomsk), I tried out the final beta of Rift, and had a great time (really enjoyed the semi-raid Rift encounters.) so have now got my pre-order sorted.
Tydomas pointed me in the direction of the server and side this guild would be on, so I thought I would apply to Daedalus.
Rift Application.
Moderator: Gavlar
Re: Rift Application.
Heya Jae. You already know about Tomsk, so I'll spare you the traditional warnings.
Blightweald tomorrow night! We're hoping to get the guild up nice and fast, but bear with us meantime.
Blightweald tomorrow night! We're hoping to get the guild up nice and fast, but bear with us meantime.
Re: Rift Application.
heya bud
glad you decided to join us
seeya online on thursday
glad you decided to join us
seeya online on thursday
Re: Rift Application.
Hi, welcome to Daedalus
Re: Rift Application.
Hey bud !
This is a surprise. Be good to see you ingame.
This is a surprise. Be good to see you ingame.